Advanced Internet Mapping System User's Guide (for Mobile Devices)

Identify features, get community information, view Google Street View images, draw graphics or text on the map, measure or get coordinates on the map, and export map layers.

Identify - The Identify tool displays descriptive information for a specified map feature. Map features must be visible in the map view to be identified.

Community Information - Assembles information describing the "Community" surrounding a specified location on the map.

Street View - View Google Street View images of a location by clicking on the map within 150 feet of a street in the desired location.

Draw - Provides the option to draw graphics and enter text on the map.

Measure - Provides the ability to measure Area, Length, and display Longitude and Latitude coordinates.

The Identify tool displays descriptive information for a specified map feature. Map features must be visible in the map view to be identified.

Tap on the desired feature in the map view to identify.

If identifying a feature in a map theme that returns more than one result, an option to toggle between identified layers will be provided.

Descriptive details will be returned with the option to zoom to the identified feature.

Optional tools are applicable only to the Tax Parcel layer. These tools, which include: Community Info, Property Report, Property Card, Ownership History, and Assessment History, are described in detail on the Search page, under the Tax Parcel Search Example.

The Community Information tool assembles information describing the "Community" surrounding a specified location on the map. It is described in detail on the Search page, under the Tax Parcel Search Example.

The Street View tool allows for viewing Google Street View images for an area of interest.

Browse to an area of interest and click the Street View tool from the Tools menu.

Click on the map within 150 feet of a street where Street View images are desired.

A window will pop up showing Street View images and the location of the area in Google Maps

Navigate in Street View:

  • To move around, touch the white arrows on the bottom of the Street View image.
  • To look around, drag your finger on the Street View image in the direction you want to look.
  • To zoom in or out, use the + and - buttons at the bottom, left of the Street View image.

You can also click the Satellite button to view satellite images in the Google Map. When viewing satellite images, you have the option to toggle labels and 45o oblique imagery.

More information for using Street View can be found in the Google support documents found here.

The Draw tool provides the option to draw graphics and enter text on the map.

To draw graphics or text on the map, choose the graphic type to draw, and then select the options for that graphic.

  1. Tap the Shape-quick dropdown to choose the Shape type.

    Options include:
    • Arrow
    • Circle
    • Ellipse
    • Rectangle
    • Shape
    • Shape-quick
    • Triangle

  2. Tap the Red dropdown to choose the Shape color.

  3. Tap the 20% dropdown to choose the Shape opacity.

  4. For an Arrow, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, or Triangle:

    1. Tap, hold, and drag finger to start the Shape and to determine the size of the Shape.
    2. Lift finger to finish the Shape.

  5. For a Shape:

    1. Tap once where you want to begin the Shape.
    2. Tap again to add a vertex to change the Shape.

    3. Double tap to finish the Shape.

  6. For a Shape-quick:

    1. Tap, hold, and drag finger to create the Shape.

    2. Lift finger to finish the Shape.

Once a graphic is drawn on the map, options to Undo, Redo, Clear, and Stop drawing will be available.

  • Undo will remove the last graphic placed on the map.
  • Redo will add back the last graphic that was previously removed using the undo tool.
  • Clear will delete all graphics on the map.
  • Stop will deactivate the Draw tools so that the map can be clicked on without adding new graphics.

Individual graphics can be removed from the map, without clearing all graphics, by tapping on the desired graphic and then tapping Delete.

  1. Tap on the graphic to be removed and the Delete button will become active.
  2. Tap the Delete button in the menu to remove the graphic.

  1. Tap the Shape-quick dropdown to choose the Line type.

    Options include:
    • Line
    • Line-quick

  2. Tap the Red dropdown to choose the Line color.

  3. Tap the Size dropdown to choose the Line size.

  4. For a Line:

    1. Tap once where you want to begin the Line.
    2. Tap again to change the direction of the Line.

    3. Double tap to finish the Line.

  5. For a Line-quick:

    1. Tap, hold, and drag finger to create the Line.

    2. Lift finger to finish the Line.

  1. Tap the Shape-quick dropdown to choose Point.

  2. Tap the Red dropdown to choose the Point color.

  3. Tap the 8 dropdown to choose the Point size.

  4. Tap the desired spot in the map view for the Point to be drawn.

  1. Tap the Shape-quick dropdown to choose Text.

  2. Tap the Red dropdown to choose the Text color.

  3. Tap the 12 pt dropdown to choose the Text size.

  4. Tap the desired spot in the map view for the Text to be drawn.

The Measure tool provides the ability to measure an Area or Length, display Longitude/Latitude coordinates, and Zoom to Longitude/Latitude or State Plane coordinates.

  1. Select the Area icon and tap Acres to choose the desired unit of measure.

  2. Tap once on the map to start the measurement and tap again for every change in direction.

  3. Double tap to finish drawing the measurement polygon.

    The measurement result will be displayed in the dialog with the appropriate units. Available units of measure are Acres, Square Miles, Square Kilometers, Hectares, Square Yards, Square Feet, and Square Meters.

  1. Select the Distance icon and tap Feet to choose the desired unit of measure.

  2. Tap once on the map to start the measurement and tap again for every change in direction.

  3. Double tap to finish drawing the measurement line.

    The measurement result will be displayed in the dialog with the appropriate units. Available units of measure are Miles, Kilometers, Feet, Yards, and Nautical Miles.

  1. Select the Location icon and tap Degrees to choose the desired coordinate system.

  2. Tap once on the map and the coordinates will be displayed in the dialog with the appropriate units. Tap the map in a new location to move the graphic to that location.

  3. Once the map has been tapped, the option to view other coordinate formats will become available. The coordinate formats include Degrees Minutes, Degrees, Minutes, Seconds, Decimal Degrees, and State Plane.

    Note: To clear any measurement graphics in the map view, simply tap on one of the measurement icons.

  4. Optionally, all measurement tools allow you to Zoom to Coordinate if you know the Longitude/Latitude or State Plane coordinates of a desired location.